Designed by mhelbhelphel
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The picture above is one of my very first design I did in college. It is a Unicef Poster. Our objective was to create a poster relating one of the issues Unicef had on their site. I chose poverty and hunger with children. My heart goes out to them. I believe I did a good job conveying the message. I definitely enjoyed working on this. During this time, I was still experimenting. Believe it or not, this was only done in Photoshop! Can you believe it?! It took me a while but I was enjoying every minute of it. I'm so glad I know how to work in Illustrator and InDesign now! All three programs - Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign are very helpful to creating great design! I entered this to our college art show and it won first place for Graphic Design Category. Yay! Until now, this poster is still one of my favorites.
Please let me know what you think of it. I cannot wait to hear from you!
U're sure a talented one in this! Keep up the good work!
Congrats to another success. I like the way you put the UNCEF-idea into imagery. And I don't even dare say I wish I could do as well as you, as you're really far beyond reach!!!
As for my photographs, I make all these myself with a pretty cheap camera (Kodak C613). But it's the world itself that contains so much beauty, awe and poetry.
Have a nice day!
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